Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Read Room Decorations

When I got to college, I was really excited about making my dorm room my own; being able to rearrange and decorate however I wanted. I figured since I was so excited about my room, other people on my floor had to be just as excited about theirs.
I went around to three people and asked what they liked and didn’t like about their room and their set up. Some told me how much they love it while others told me what they want to change. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Community Leadership and Development Center

The CLDC is an amazing resource located in the Read residence hall.

When ever I'm stressed with school work, I go down to the CLDC and do some craft projects just to unwind and clear my mind.

Most of the students I talked to about the center don't know what it is, it's mostly used by Resident Assistants to make bulletin boards, but I whole heartedly believe this resource can benefit so many people.

If you've never been to the CLDC try it out